
Bottom Drawer Freezer Icing Up

Bottom Drawer Freezers

Updated on January 04, 2010

M.C. asks from Ann Arbor, MI

12 answers

Hi Moms,

I'm looking at getting a new fridge sometime soon. The "in" thing now seems to be the bottom drawer freezers on the newer refrigerators. I want your opinions on how much you like/dislike the bottom drawer freezer if you have it . I currently have a side by side and I like it. It seems like the bottom drawer freezers aren't roomy enough.

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answers from Saginaw on

We got one 6 years ago and I LOVE it...I didn't think that I would like it. I have enough room in the freezer and it seems like a lot more room in the fridge...good luck.

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answers from Detroit on

we have a bottom freezer and we love it.. Your average person is in the refrigerator more often than the freezer,,, so you want the refrigerator to be the most convenient.. and it is .. you open up the fridge and your milk and bread are at eye level.. it is great.. lots of room too.

the freezer on the bottom isnt as convenient. but we only go in the freezer once per day to get out something for dinner... so it si not a big deal.. the wonderful refridgerar sections makes up for the freezer being more challenging.



answers from Lansing on

I have had side-by-side before and now have bottom drawer. We've had it for year and half now. I really like it. I liked our old side-by-side too, but seems like this has more space (width) and can fit food in better. It has an ice maker but not the outside of door water dispenser, which I do miss. Ours is on inside. Water dispenser and ice maker are probably optional though. I don't know if that helps or not. I would recommend, however, if you get stainless steel then to get the kind that doesn't leave finger prints. Good luck with your search!



answers from Detroit on

One thing I know about the bottom freezers is that they run more efficiently and use less energy than other refrigerators. Everyone I know that has them loves them.



answers from Detroit on

I love the look of my bottom freezer, but we have the kind with a door and two shelves, not the drawer. There is enough room, but I don't buy in bulk or a lot of frozen foods. I didn't care for the drawer, and have heard that they are a safety hazard for little ones who can fall into it. This is my second refrigerator purchase, and both have been bottom freezer. It is an LG, and I have also been very happy with that brand (although we got it on sale, now as we buy other matching LG appliances, I am realizing they are quite a bit higher than other reputable brands.).



answers from Detroit on

My husbands grandma got one and HATES it. i am not sure on the brand or anything that may have something to do with it, but i know she said it wasn't cheap. the handle is broken already, it is hard to open and shut, and if you accidently leave it a little open it creates a ton of frost every where.



answers from Detroit on

I love my bottom drawer freezer. Only problems are that if something spills, you have to pull out the racks to clean it out and that's a bit of a job. Also, if anyone tries to force the drawer shut when stuff is piled too high, it can damage the seal. My brother has done this to mine and it's not quite right anymore, though my husband has gotten it to close pretty well. It's no longer under warranty unfortunately. You can really see what you have by pulling out the drawer, which I've loved. It is very convenient and also quite nice to not have the refrigerated food so low where you can't get to it without practially crawling into the frig.



answers from Jackson on

We love ours for a few reasons: 1) we can reach everything in the fridge without having to bend over (huge for us since we're both tall); 2) we find it's easier to store things in freezer drawer rather than stacking things in a conventional freezer. We used to always have things fall out of the freezer when we opened the door, but that never happens now. Our son can open the freezer, but doesn't do it enough that it's been a problem (yet...) Consumer Reports usually has good customer reviews to read.
Good luck with your decision :)



answers from Saginaw on

I have found that my bottom drawer freezer is roomier than my side by side was. I can put a frozen pizza in my freezer now (if I want to). I make a lot of meals ahead and freeze them so it works really well for me. I didn't want to get the one with the door because I thought my daughter would open it. She doesn't open my drawer, has never fallen into it (it isn't easy to open when it is full).

I love that I can see everything in the fridge without having to bend over!



answers from Detroit on

A friend of ours has the bottom drawer freezer. THere have been many times that she has walked into the room and found that their 3 yr old opened it at some point and it was open for who knows how long...
Because of the kids may think its a fun "drawer" or hiding space I will NEVER own one!!!

I like my side by side also...



answers from Detroit on

We are looking in to them also. My fear everything is buried at the bottom



answers from Grand Rapids on

M.; i dont have one, but when i ve looked for a fridge and llooked into the bottome drawer one, i did not like it, it did look smaller, and when i was a young child my parents haad a bottom freezer, but it was not a drawer, and it helped me to get in there and eat the ice cream more so, ahahahahhahahaha and get popscicles or what i probably should not of eaten without moms permission, ahahahah i love the top freezers, by dinner time when i need to get things out of the freezer i dont want to bend over to get in there, just my opinion, so hope you find it h elpful, hahaha D. s

Bottom Drawer Freezer Icing Up


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