
How To Draw To Scale In Bluebeam

Adjusting markups to the scale of a drawing

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  • Category How-To - Revu 2017 & Below, Revu 20, Revu for Windows 2017 & Below, Revu for Windows 2018, Revu for Windows 2019, Tips and Tricks - Revu 20, Tips and Tricks - Revu 2018, Tips and Tricks - Revu 2019

Applies to:

  • Revu 20
  • Revu 2019

Jump to other versions:

  • Revu 2018
  • Revu 2017 and older

When placing markups on documents that contain viewports or different scales of measurement, it's important that your markups are sized proportionally to the scale you are working with. Using the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler, you can place correctly-scaled markups on your calibrated drawings without having to manually adjust the size of your markups each time.


You'll need to make sure your drawing and any applicable viewports are calibrated before working with the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler.

Once you've calibrated your drawing:

  1. Go to the Tool Chest and select your desired tool set.
  2. At the top right corner of your tool set, click the gear and select Set Scale . The Dynamic Tool Set Scaler dialog box appears.
  3. Select Calibrate .  The Calibrate dialog box appears.

    If you already know the scale of your drawing, selecting Input allows you to enter a preset scale for your toolset.

  4. Click OK. Find a known length on your drawing and click to select a start point and endpoint for your measurement. A line will be drawn between the two points.
  5. Enter the known length between the two points.
  6. Click Apply Scale.

Once you've finished setting the scale, the Set Scale icon appears highlighted in blue. This signifies that the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler is now active and will dynamically resize your markups based on the calibrated values of your drawing and/or viewports.


Revu 2019



Revu 20

Other versions of this article

Revu 2018

When placing markups on documents that contain viewports or different scales of measurement, it's important that your markups are sized proportionally to the scale you are working with. Using the Dynamic Tool Set Scalar, you can place correctly-scaled markups on your calibrated drawings without having to manually adjust the size of your markups each time.


You'll need to make sure your drawing and any applicable viewports are calibrated before working with the Dynamic Tool Set Scalar.

Once you've calibrated your drawing:

  1. Go to the Tool Chest and select your desired tool set.
  2. At the top right corner of your tool set, click the gear and select Set Scale . The Dynamic Tool Set Scaler dialog box appears.
  3. Select Calibrate .  The Calibrate dialog box appears.

    If you already know the scale of your drawing, selecting Input allows you to enter a preset scale for your toolset.

  4. Click OK. Find a known length on your drawing and click to select a start point and endpoint for your measurement. A line will be drawn between the two points.
  5. Enter the known length between the two points.
  6. Click Apply Scale.

Once you've finished setting the scale, the Set Scale icon appears highlighted in blue. This signifies that the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler is now active and will dynamically resize your markups based on the calibrated values of your drawing and/or viewports.


Revu 2018



Revu 2017 and older

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Bluebeam Revu

Have you ever added markups to a document that contained different scales or viewports and wondered how to proportionally re-size them? Well, we have some good news! One of the new features implemented in Revu 2015 is the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler, which lets you place correctly scaled markups on your calibrated drawings based on the relationship between the scale of the tool set and the document.

To show you what this looks like, the following screenshots use the example of an armchair symbol. In the image on the left, you'll notice the armchair is too big for the room, while in the second screenshot, the Scaler has re-sized the markup in proportion to everything else in the drawing.

One of the best things about this feature is that once a tool set has been calibrated, the Scaler will dynamically re-size the markups to match the scale of the calibrated document you're working on. In fact, if the page contains multiple areas with different scales, the markups will also re-size based on calibration values in the viewports.

So How Does it Work?

We do have a Dynamic Tool Set Scaler video and help article covering all this in more detail, but once you've calibrated your drawing, you'll need to scale any tool sets you want to use. To do this, click the properties gear in the upper-right section of a tool set, and select Set Scale.

Once you've finished setting the scale, a measure ruler icon will appear with an orange square around it next to the properties gear. This signifies that the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler is now active, and you can switch it off by clicking the icon. At that point the orange square disappears and the markups will work in the normal manner.


Revu 2017 & Below




Use the Dynamic Tool Set Scaler to automatically adjust the size of markups to fit the scale of the drawing or viewport.

How To Draw To Scale In Bluebeam


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